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Physical therapy is based on scientific foundations and starts with a gradual system that rises calmly until it reaches the muscles to the best strength and tendons to the best flexibility and joints to the best range of motion and less pain.
From Thailand and even Britain, our skilled physical therapy team extends perfectly.

The Center's Physical Therapy Treatment Department provides assessment services, diagnosis and treatment of patients with muscle dysfunction, joints and nerves, as a result of illness or injuries exposure, This section provides a comprehensive range of physical therapy services for patients of all ages.


Do you like to pray again as you did previously?, Our advanced Physical therapy program helps you a lot to pray without any joint pain, this section provides a number of specialist physical therapy supervisors, Who have a high level of qualification to meet the needs of patients using a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic resources tools.

Women Department

  • Do not let your muscles relax after childbirth Immediately start a program to rehabilitate your muscles with our advanced medical ways.
  • The strength of the pelvic muscles improvement program is the only program in Kuwait that helps prevent autonomic urination to women after childbirth and after the age of menopause.
  • Before pregnancy, prepare the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs in the pre-pregnancy rehabilitation program.

Children Department

The Department of Pediatrics is one of the main physiotherapy departments that provides therapeutic services for children between 1 and 10 years old.

Sports Rehabilitation Department

This section includes techniques for sports re-training in a safe and secure manner as a transition between rehabilitation and the start of re-exercise.
rehabilitation services are available in the stadiums of the center or inside the gymnasium, where this is determined accordingly to the type of training required for each sport. Our high-level team of experienced experts has a wide range of sports knowledge. And by working closely with female and male physical therapy specialists, while Our experts build a bridge of advanced treatments that the injured athlete can pass smoothly and safely and return to the exercise efficiently

Spine treatment Department

The department provides a customized and multidimensional treatment for patients suffering from spinal pain by identifying factors that contribute to the specific injury and also based on evidence or any other concerns (eg, trainers, medical team, employer). This approach has proven effective in international research

Aquatic Physical Therapy Treatment Department

Aquatic therapy refers to the use of water as a mean of rehabilitation. Through this section, rehabilitation and recovery are carried out with the help of a team of well-qualified therapists who are implementing rehabilitation programs under the guidance of a physician