Communicable and Infectious Diseases Clinic

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Fever Department

Fever, a temporary increase in body temperature, that often occur due to infection. the incidence of fever indicates that there is something wrong in the body, that is why the department provides a group of doctors and consultants with extensive experience in this area to work on the help and comfort of patients

Traveler Health Department

This section helps you prepare for your trip, providing you with external treatment services, medical advices, vaccination and medication.

The injections and vaccinations vary depending on your destination and the time you wish to spend there.
Do not forget to tell us where you will stay, as there is a huge difference between staying in a remote village and staying in a five star hotel.
For compulsory vaccinations for some countries, you will be provided with an international vaccination card signed and sealed which you should take with you during your travel.
If you are going to perform Hajj and Umrah, we provide you with the necessary vaccinations